How do I cancel my subscription?

We are sad to see you leave. Cancleing your subscrition (dashboard) is easy, just send us a quick email and we will be happy to stop your automatic payments.

How do I change my password?

Log in to your dashboard and edit your profile. At the bottom of the page, you will be able to see the option to change the password. NOTE: MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT CLICK ON THE DELETE MY ACCOUNT

Why is my resume/profile not showing?

Once you have updated your profile, please make sure that it is approved before it becomes visible on our site. Make sure you have bought the correct package for the service you are looking for. Package purchase is needed in order to get your profile approved.

How do I apply for a job?

Once you are viewing a job posting, right at the bottom of the posting will be buttons to apply for that job. Please note that you will need an account and must login to apply for any job.  

The Employer not permission to apply job?

If you are getting this message below your job posting it just means that you as an employer cannot apply for this job. Candidates will see the apply button. To test the apply option please log out and then view the job posting again.

Job still showing pending status?

If your job posting is still showing pending and not posting/publishing on the website please make sure you have done the following. Made payment and bought a package. Contact support and let them know as each job posting needed admin approval.

Can not post my job, Just getting white page?

While you are able to create a job and modify its contents. You will need to make sure you have purchased a package that is correct for what you need in order to post/publish that job on our site. Packages Prices

Can I apply all recommended jobs by one click?

No, unfortunately applying for all jobs is not a good idea. Match your skill and categorize you are looking in. Make each resume you send out count. Personalize it and make sure it is for the correct position.

Why should I register Job Alert?

Job alerts give you fast access to brand new job postings that are in the category you are looking for.  No need to keep checking back and forth on our site to see if there is a new posting. Job alerts send you a quick email to notify you.
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